Well, hello there, Amazement Seeker!

Have you noticed there are no boring days, only bored people? Would you take wonder over knowing for sure? Have you ever looked up—or down—and found yourself transported by some marvel you weren’t expecting?

Pull up a chair. I had a feeling you’d stop by.

Who’s pouring the coffee?

I’m Rona Maynard—lifelong storyteller and celebrant of the amazing anywhere I find it, from a chance conversation with a stranger to the first book I loved. I’ve published hundreds of articles and two memoirs, most recently Starter Dog: My Path to Joy, Belonging and Loving This World. In a former life, I edited Chatelaine, Canada’s premier women’s magazine. Now I get to sit on my virtual front porch and share stories that will make you glad you came.

The stories we need, as things fly apart, are the kind that make connections between now and then, here and there, you and me. The kind of story I love to tell.

What’s on the menu?

Every Sunday morning I’ll send you an amazement that lodges in my memory and calls, “Share me!” They’ll land directly in your in-box. Among the amazements I’ve posted so far:

If the right way to Substack is to zoom in close on one topic, then I’m a proud advocate for doing it wrong. My storytelling range is wide, and that’s how my community likes it. Readers say:

“These columns are so wondrous. I love each and every one of them.”

“Every time you post something new, it’s my new favorite of your pieces. And that’s saying a lot.”

“Each Sunday, I hold back on reading your entry to relish and savor each delicious morsel, never to be disappointed.͏” ‌ ­͏

What you can read for free

Every post. No paywalls, ever. While I couldn’t be more grateful to the readers of heart and means who have chosen to pay for subscriptions, payment will remain up to you.

It’s not that I lack pride in my work. After a lifetime in the old word shop, I’m at the top of my game and getting better. But I came here to write for readers like you, not to make an income. Anything you choose to pay is a gift and and a vote of confidence. If you don’t pay, no matter the reason, you aren’t belittling me or depriving me of comfort. I write for the sheer joy of writing. At 75, I’ve got a lifetime of formative stories to share. And every reader, paying or not, is part of the experience.

I love comments and answer every one, so do chime in. Answering the mail is the one thing I miss about editing a magazine (yes, I did it myself). If you like what you read here, please spread the word. I hope you’ll keep coming back. After all, you’re why I’m here.

Subscribe to Amazement Seeker

Celebrating discovery in art, writing and the moment as it flies


Author of STARTER DOG: MY PATH TO JOY, BELONGING AND LOVING THIS WORLD. Former Editor of Chatelaine magazine. Married more than 50 years despite predictions we would never last. Avid urban hiker with the rescue mutt known as Casey.